This time, let your tastebuds do the exploring...
Asian food in all its sweet and sour glory continues to influence world cuisine. Ginger, cinnamon, pepper and turmeric were the stuff of legend in the 1600s, and sticky stir-fries, fragrant curries and juicy dumplings have all made their mark on today’s global palate. But nothing beats the real thing, fresh from the wok. Come with us on a food tour through the night markets of Thailand, the luscious Vietnamese Mekong Delta, and the beautiful teahouses of Japan. One tip? Pack stretchy pants.
Food trips in Asia
Food tours in Asia highlights
Why choose us
We love the highlights, but for us, the real magic is found off the tourist trails. Our trips combine iconic sites with hidden gems that you’ll only discover with Intrepid. We’re talking mornings exploring the Taj Mahal, followed by a Mughlai cooking class with a passionate home cook.
Whether you’re perusing markets, hunting down the best street food bites or learning how to cook centuries-old family recipes at a homestay, there’s no better way to get the inside scoop on a destination – and its culinary traditions – than with an expert local leader by your side.
Big coaches and flag-toting tour guides don’t cut it for us. With a maximum group size of 12, our groups blend in with the locals and have plenty of opportunities to interact with chefs, street food vendors and group leaders. It also means you can really connect with your fellow foodies.
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South Korea Real Food Adventure
Vietnam Real Food Adventure
Japan Real Food Adventure
Japan Real Food Adventure
Japan Real Food Adventure