What to pack for a trip to New Mexico

There's no doubt that a trip to the southwestern state of New Mexico will be filled with good times, endless adventures, and more fantastic memories than you'll know what to do with. Before all that fun can be had, though, you need to make sure you're properly prepared. That's why we've compiled a list of the most important things to pack to ensure your trip to New Mexico is amazing.

Clothing items

1. Appropriate walking/hiking shoes 

New Mexico is a state full of breathtaking natural beauty, so the chances that you'll be exploring various national parks and ancient monuments on your trip is very high. To do this comfortably, you should pack a pair of walking/hiking shoes that you can easily spend several hours in. If you do have to buy new ones, make sure you wear them in before starting your trip as nothing puts a dampener on a spectacular hike like a blister or two. 

2. T-shirts, jeans, shorts, dresses (sightseeing clothes)

New Mexico's weather can get extremely hot, especially in summer and spring, so packing appropriately is very important. For exploring cities like Santa Fe and Albuquerque, you should pack clothing items such as t-shirts, shorts, dresses, and other warm-weather clothing. If you're spending a lot of time outdoors in the heat, ensure you're covering up as much as possible to protect yourself from the sun as the UV rays can get quite high. 

3. Cardigans, jackets, light coats

While the temperatures in New Mexico can be high during the day, they can also drop quite low when the sun goes down, so think about packing extra layers to keep yourself warm at night. If you're travelling in summer or spring, then a cardigan or light jacket should do the job. However, if you're travelling to New Mexico in winter to catch some snow at Taos Ski Valley, then you'll need heavier clothing such as thermal layers, snow pants, wind, and rainproof jackets, as well as other winter-appropriate clothes. If you don't happen to have these at home, you can always rent what you need from several ski resorts within the state. 

4. A bathing suit

Not only do most accommodations have swimming pools you can relax in, but New Mexico is also known for its natural hot springs with over 10 places you can go to restore and rejuvenate your body scattered around the state. 

5. Accessories 

It's essential to pack appropriate clothes regardless of whether you're travelling in the height of summer or the middle of winter but it's the accessories you pack alongside your clothes that can make all the difference. If you're heading to New Mexico during the warmer months, make sure to pack a hat with a brim to shield you from the sun. If travelling in winter is more your thing, you're going to need gloves, a scarf, and a beanie to keep you warm, especially if you're going somewhere with snow. 


1.    Sunscreen and moisturizer 

If you think you only need to pack sunscreen and moisturizer if you're travelling to New Mexico during summer then think again. You should be wearing sunscreen every time you step outside, even if you can't see the sun. Winter can also see high levels of UV rays, so make sure you pack some sunscreen to avoid getting sunburnt. Moisturizer is also really important as your skin tends to dry out when faced with extreme temperatures like hot and cold weather. Pop some moisturiser onto your skin (under your sunscreen) and your skin will remain hydrated throughout the day. 

2.   A backpack or day bag 

It's fair to say that during your trip you'll be doing a lot of exploring. From national parks full of ancient artefacts to eerily quiet ghost towns, New Mexico is full of landscapes that need to be seen to be believed. To ensure you have everything you need at all times when adventuring through the great outdoors, pack a backpack or day bag with you so you always have your drink bottle, some snacks, first aid supplies like bandaids, and your camera ready to go should you need it on your travels. 

3.   Reusable drink bottle 

If you're spending a lot of time outdoors during your trip, then you need to pack a reusable drink bottle with you. While you'll be able to pick up some water and other refreshments during your trip to larger cities, if you're heading to a national park or monument then accessing water becomes a little more difficult. To ensure you're properly hydrated at all times, pack your bottle in your backpack or day bag and you're good to explore for the whole day. 

4.  A camera 

This one's a no-brainer. There's almost no point in marvelling at wonderful things and admiring historic places if you can't take a photo of them. Packing a camera with you is a must, no ifs or buts about it. Soak up the magnificent places around you as much as you can but also make sure you snap a pic or two for when you're back at home and want to reminisce. Don't forget to bring your camera charger with you as well, there's nothing worse than getting to a magical place and trying to turn your camera on, only to realize it's flat.

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