Our travellers

Travel has a special power to connect people and make this big world feel a little smaller

Our travellers come from different walks of life and age brackets. But different doesn’t mean unrelatable, in fact, our passengers have a lot in common: a love of travel, a curiosity about the world and a respect for local communities, cultures and the environment (basically, all the important stuff). 

Who travels with us

 Three travellers and leader walking in Vietnam
Travellers of any age

You know the saying – the life in your years is far more important than the years in your life. Nowhere is this more applicable than travel. Our trips are for all ages, from the 19-year-old rookie backpacker to the retired couple living out their second adolescence through world travel (an excellent life choice).  

That said, our Basix trips generally attract the younger crowd, Premium the older and Original, well, all and everything between. It’s up to you, really. 

Travellers at village in Ecuador
Like-minded adventurers

Small group travel is a fast-track to new friendships, and not just the Facebook variety either: we’re talking the deeper, more lasting kind, forged in the fires of adventure, long dinner conversations and trip theme songs. 

Because of our small group sizes, there’s no way you’ll return home with just a vague recollection of ‘that guy at the back of the minibus who really got into the slow part of Bohemian Rhapsody’. Not on our watch. You’ll get to know people with all sorts of life stories, area codes and karaoke abilities.

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