What to drink in Europe

There are plenty of traditional and tasty European beverages to sip on after a long day spent exploring including poppy seed milk in Lithuania, Norwegian mead in Norway, and sangria in Spain.

Depending on what European countries you plan on visiting during your trip, it simply makes sense to quench your thirst with as many national drinks as you can, especially since there are so many delicious ones to choose from.

To stop you from wasting time on Google when you could be wandering the cobblestoned streets in search of your next snack, we've put together a list of the beverages you must try throughout Europe. Cheers! 

1. Becherovka, Czech Republic

If you've had a heavy meal (extremely likely considering Czech food is known for its heaviness), one of the best ways to help settle your stomach is to drink becherovka - a herbal liquor that's drunk as a digestif. But be warned. This refreshing cinnamon-y, clove-y liquid has an alcohol content of 40% so while it might taste really good, a couple of sips is enough to have you feeling its effects. It shouldn't deter you from trying it, though. 

2. Tea, England

Drinking tea in England is like eating meat pies in Australia - it's something that's so far ingrained in the country's culture that it would be a crime to travel there and not embrace it. From black tea (the most popular variety) to Earl Grey, drinking tea is often a morning or afternoon ritual accompanied by savoury snacks and petit fours. Whether you drink it with milk or by itself, a cup of tea will instantly rejuvenate your mind and body so you can finish your day of exploring the way you started it.

3. Apfelwein, Germany 

If beer or schnapps aren't for you, Apfelwein, Germany's version of apple cider, might be. Made with a combination of sour-tasting apples like Bohnapfel or Speierling, this sparkling cider makes for a refreshing meal accompaniment and is considered to be one of Germany's signature beverages.

4. Champagne, France

You can't get a beverage any more French than champagne. This sparkling wine hails from the Champagne wine region and is drunk all over the world on special occasions. It makes sense to have at least one glass of the bubbly stuff in the country where it originated. Unique and slightly sweet in flavour, this effervescent beverage is one to be enjoyed. 

5. Ouzo, Greece

Go to any restaurant on the mainland or any one of the islands in Greece in the late afternoon or early evening and you'll notice people shouting "opa" quickly followed by a sip from a glass of ouzo. That's because it's one of the country's most famous beverages and is brought out at any and every chance. Not just reserved for celebrations or special occasions, ouzo is to be slowly savoured when the temperatures are warm and the vibes are high. 

6. Limoncello, Italy

If you're heading to the Italian coast, you can't go past ordering a limoncello (or two) as a special after-dinner treat. Originally made from Femminello St. Teresa lemons from the Sorrento Peninsula, this light and refreshing drink packs a sweet and tangy punch. It has a lower alcohol content than other liquors such as vodka or absinthe. 

7. Black Balsam, Latvia

You can't say you've been to Latvia without having a glass of Black Balsam, the national drink. Traditionally, the recipe for this notorious liqueur was a secret only known by a very trusted few at the time of its creation in 1752. Nowadays, there are several ways to make it, but it typically includes 24 ingredients from plants, berries and spices. While that might sound delicious, it's also extremely strong and is one of those love-it or hate-it drinks. 

8. Chocolate caliente, Spain

Chocolate caliente is Spain's version of hot chocolate. It's usually made with dark chocolate (apologies to all the white and milk chocolate fans out there), cinnamon, nutmeg and lots of sugar. Dense in texture and full of flavour, this drink is perfect alongside your favourite Spanish desserts.

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